#40Forward, Day 15: Dame Anita Roddick

Dame Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop, became interested in environmental activism through her experience. Born to Italian immigrant parents in 1942 England, Dame Anita worked her way around the world, and then turned that interest into a position with the United Nations. Through these jobs, she was able to visit countries, meet their people, and experience new cultures. With this foundation, Dame Anita founded The Body Shop as both a way to make a living, to honor the various practices of women around the world, and to change retail to be more environmentally friendly.

Anita Roddick The Body Shop

Integrating frugal behaviors that she learned from her family during and after World War II, Roddick created a store that would re-fill packaging. Starting with one store in Brighton, West Sussex, England and 15 product lines, The Body Shop has emerged into a business with more than 2,600 stores in 66 countries, with more than 77 million customers. What sets The Body Shop apart from other stores offering similar bath and hygiene products has been Roddick's vision of running a company dedicated to social and environmental change, as enshrined in the company's mission. The Body Shop created community trade relationships in 22 countries and continues to seek new, ethically based, organic, natural sources for its products. Beyond retail, The Body Shop engages in a values-based business – enshrining fair trade, planet-friendly supply chain, as well as advocating for women's health and promoting positive self-esteem. The Body Shop was purchased by the L'Oreal Group in 2006, but remains independently run. Roddick she continued to consult until her death in 2007 from a brain hemorrhage at age 64. For more information: http://www.thebiographychannel.co.uk/biographies/anita-roddick.html 40Forward_LD_GirlsInc_jpeg_v2

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